So we have been trying to get the skate nights rolling out more consistent. Me and Jake and Tuck hit it up a couple weeks ago. Hit Sandy and then over to SoJo with Benny. It was good to skate with him cause he could see all the stuff we were doing wrong and helped out a ton. Last week Tuck was in Hawaii so me and Jake hit up Sandy. Jake got the drop in like it was nothing. We have been getting free stuff at the Del Taco the last few times and this last week was difficult. Head guy at the register must have been employee of the year. We had got some free shakes from the lady a couple weeks before no problem. We asked this guy if we could get the premium shake sample and he said, "NO". We said the other lady just hooked us up with the water cup size shakes and he still said, "NO. The shake maching weel breaka the cup." So later Jake went up to get a napkin or something and the guy got super fired up and said, WHAT DO YOU NEED? NO SHAKE!" Then I tried to ask the lady working and she was working drive through, and he spotted me. He ingnored me best as possible, so I asked if maybe we could try the chocoalte instead, maybe the chocolate was easier to make. He threw his arms in the air and yelled, "Strawberry or Chocolate?" I went with the Strawberry. I have never seen a shake made faster in my life. He even topped it with whip cream. So good.