Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Cool Quote
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ridge Ride
Saturday morning we hit the ridge. We parked near Timpanooke and rode up through Salamander Flat and up to the summit, across the ridge and down Pine Hollow and back. The uphill from Salamander to the Summit was punishing to say the least but the downhill on Pine Hollow is way worth it. Afterward we were all supposed to go to Betos (Tom's idea) but it ended up just me and Joe. I think Sean was going to be grounded, (hope his wife does not read this). The Betos was soooo good by the way for those who missed out.
Corner Canyon
Last week on Wed we hit up corner canyon trail in Draper. Tucker had new clip in pedals and took a nice fall. The climb felt good. I like the uphill on Clarks a lot. It has a nice mellow pitch to it. We went down Ghost Falls. It was super fast. I can feel my legs starting to come back a little bit.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

So I started running a couple months back to try and get into some kind of physically fit condition. I have been running in some Nike's that were way too small. Guy who sold them to me from Foot Locker said they will pack out. WRONG. I was running about 3 miles and when I was done it felt like my toes were going to fall off. So I went to 26.2 in American Fork and got some new shoes. I ran in them last night and it was amazing! It was like running on clouds.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Found this on SO AMAZING!!! This is a must read. The second incident is my favorite. The guy probably got dealt a draw four and then got skipped and then a reverse all in a row. The lady he slapped must have called out UNO!! and sent him over the top!
2 men arrested following separate game incidents
August 18th, 2009 @ 9:24am
SALT LAKE CITY -- Two people who may have taken games too seriously are now in jail. They were arrested in separate incidents.
One of the suspects, Zachery Frank King of Cedar City, appeared in 5th District Court for a preliminary hearing Monday.
According to the Salt Lake Tribune, police say King was playing "Dungeons and Dragons" with two friends -- Logan Bryson and Daniel Shokrian -- at Shokrian's home on May 30. Investigators claim King left, returned in the middle of the night with a hammer and attacked both friends. Shokrian lost his ability to read and write.
A Cedar City detective says one of the victims had acted cocky as the Dungeon Master. There also may have been some jealousy over a girl who King and Bryson both knew.
King pleaded not guilty to two counts of attempted aggravated murder and a count of aggravated burglary. He remains in the Iron County Jail.
In a separate incident, an Orem man is accused of threatening his nephew and slapping a woman after losing a game of UNO Saturday night.
Orem police say the 58-year-old man had been drinking and playing cards with his nephew and the nephew's wife in his home near 400 East and 1800 South.
The Tribune reports that around 10:30 p.m. the suspect became agitated and smacked the woman in the head. As the woman and the suspect's nephew were leaving, the man allegedly threatened them with a large kitchen knife.
Police arrested the suspect on suspicion of aggravated assault, as well as for three outstanding warrants of aggravated assault, simple assault and driving under the influence.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Good Ride

Saturday we went on a good Mt Bike ride. Me, Sean, Tom, Joe, Tucker and my dad hit the South Fork Deer creek trail. We hit the trail at around 7 am. The weather held the whole ride. Trails were just damp enough from the rain the night before to keep the dust down, but some of the rocks and roots were still pretty slick. Temp was perfect though. When we hit the bottom where you cross the road to got back up to the summit some scouts were camping and hooked us up with some breakfast burritos. Almost as cool as the time me and Tucker were biking there and came across doing a photo shoot and had us come pose with them 10 years ago or more. When we got to the top we saw Bob and his family just starting a ride and the storm rolled in just as we were leaving. A few hours later when the clouds cleared the peaks got a nice dusting of snow. Posted are some pics from of the snow that fell.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Rained Out

So last night a few of us got together for a Mt Bike ride up on the ridge. Me, Sean, Joe and my dad headed up at around 6:30. When we started biking it was sprinkling just a bit and we were thinking it would just blow over, but unfortunately it started raining harder and harder. We ended up turning around a calling it quits. So we will hit it up again tomorrow morning. Picture was borrowed from
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Not able to focus on work so much today. Been looking at this...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Taco stand and Factory 4 U 2X
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Street Tacos

Back when I worked in dowtown Salt Lake the Taco Stand was a frequent thing for my lunch. It's been a long time since I have been and yesterday my boss took our team out for some tacos. It was in West Valley so the whole experience was authentic. After eating the tacos we hit up Factory 4 U to check some 4XL tall tees and other ghetto items. Best day ever yo!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009

If any of you know my dad you will know that he has suffered many intense crashes. I am pretty sure he has broken about every bone in his body at some point. Back in the day when he was a senior in high school he was even pronounced dead after being tossed from a rolling truck going 80 mph. Nope, that's not a joke. They had the sheet pulled over his head at the hospital. After a blessing from my uncle he was brought back to life. Some injuries have been on snowboard, some on Mt. bike, some on skateboard and everything else. I wish we had pics of all the wrecks. We would have a nice portfolio by now. One of the worst I remember was when we were "butt sliding" at our cabin about 13 years ago. We were sliding down a steep mountain where we would break loose about 4 inches of slough and ride down with it. We found a fun little cliff with about a 15 foot drop. My dad was dropping in pretty fast and when he hit the cliff he managed to slam a sharp pointy rock with his tailbone tossing him into a spin. When he landed he looked completely lifeless not able to breathe. It pretty much crushed his tailbone into powder. The bruising was the worst I have ever seen with every color of the rainbow. Another good one was skating at the South Jordan skate park about 3 years ago. He completely blew out his knee. He said he was fine and to just keep skating and he would just watch. But we could tell it was bad so we went to the emergency room finding out he needed a full knee replacement. He was supposed to be about 6 months before really doing anything at all and start a slow rehabilitation process. A few weeks later he was at the gym where he was supposed to be on a spin bike with no resistance for 5 minutes at a time. He was in the spin room by himself and as he was finishing up people started filing in for the spin class and the instructor introduced him as a new guy in the class. So he decided to stay and finished out the entire class and of course he pushed it as hard as possible. About 2 months later he started snowboarding and dropped a small cat track. When he landed you could hear a wince of pain but he still pushed to the very last tram of the day out riding all of us as usual. Now most people would think that after multiple crashes and a little bit of age a person would start to slow down. But not my dad. In fact he just gets faster and faster. On this particular wreck we were riding down the South fork Deer Creek trail on the "roller coaster"section and he hit it way fast getting tons of air and landed straight into a big rock on the trail sending him end over end a few times. He said he thinks he has some internal bleeding, but knowing him he will just have a Snickers and a Mt Dew and be back at it again. Crank it up dad!!
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