If any of you know my dad you will know that he has suffered many intense crashes. I am pretty sure he has broken about every bone in his body at some point. Back in the day when he was a senior in high school he was even pronounced dead after being tossed from a rolling truck going 80 mph. Nope, that's not a joke. They had the sheet pulled over his head at the hospital. After a blessing from my uncle he was brought back to life. Some injuries have been on snowboard, some on Mt. bike, some on skateboard and everything else. I wish we had pics of all the wrecks. We would have a nice portfolio by now. One of the worst I remember was when we were "butt sliding" at our cabin about 13 years ago. We were sliding down a steep mountain where we would break loose about 4 inches of slough and ride down with it. We found a fun little cliff with about a 15 foot drop. My dad was dropping in pretty fast and when he hit the cliff he managed to slam a sharp pointy rock with his tailbone tossing him into a spin. When he landed he looked completely lifeless not able to breathe. It pretty much crushed his tailbone into powder. The bruising was the worst I have ever seen with every color of the rainbow. Another good one was skating at the South Jordan skate park about 3 years ago. He completely blew out his knee. He said he was fine and to just keep skating and he would just watch. But we could tell it was bad so we went to the emergency room finding out he needed a full knee replacement. He was supposed to be about 6 months before really doing anything at all and start a slow rehabilitation process. A few weeks later he was at the gym where he was supposed to be on a spin bike with no resistance for 5 minutes at a time. He was in the spin room by himself and as he was finishing up people started filing in for the spin class and the instructor introduced him as a new guy in the class. So he decided to stay and finished out the entire class and of course he pushed it as hard as possible. About 2 months later he started snowboarding and dropped a small cat track. When he landed you could hear a wince of pain but he still pushed to the very last tram of the day out riding all of us as usual. Now most people would think that after multiple crashes and a little bit of age a person would start to slow down. But not my dad. In fact he just gets faster and faster. On this particular wreck we were riding down the South fork Deer Creek trail on the "roller coaster"section and he hit it way fast getting tons of air and landed straight into a big rock on the trail sending him end over end a few times. He said he thinks he has some internal bleeding, but knowing him he will just have a Snickers and a Mt Dew and be back at it again. Crank it up dad!!
Nice Coloration!! --- that would probably put a lot of people in the hospital, but it's just another good story for your dad!!! He is seriously a real life Superman --- nothing can stop him and even though most of the time he's riding/biking/playing in some type of pain he will OUTRIDE you everytime -- he's the KING of Round 2 and has no limits. CRANK IT UP HEFF!!!
Holy cow, Linds! Your dad has gotta be a ton of fun! Sounds like he is always keeping you on your toes...I can't believe all the crazy mishaps he's had. Not too shabby!
Oops, I meant Kelly. :)
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